I will write this post in chronological order of thoughts from reading to class to thoughts I had after class.
As I read Harry Browne’s article the thing that bothered me the most was his read ball theory. Who decided there was only one read ball? Who says only one person can be happy at one time? I don’t know who wrote those ruled of life, but Im pretty sure if there is only one red ball full of happiness is this whole world, I must have already been a lot more fortunate than most, because I have had it a lot in my life. Im not saying my life has been a barrel full of monkeys; I have had my share of catastrophe and sorrow, but it’s those who surrounded me in those times that helped me get out of that sorrow. We should share in each others sorrow and joy. Why cant we all have red balls don’t we all have happiness to share? Whether your selfish or not, life is going to be difficult. Things are going to happen that selfishness cannot fix or cope with. No one is going to want to help you if you have only ever looked out for yourself, thus creating a selfish misery.
My next train of thought turns to how I deal with my own pain and anguish. When my sister passed away, the best way for me to cope was to be strong for my parents and friends of my sister; Encouraging them, loving on them, and trying to comfort them in a time of pain, even though I was in pain as well. Thinking about other people’s problems and trying to help them deal help me not to dwell on my own. What would have happened to me, who I would be if I would have focused only on myself and dealt with everything internally. My misery would have lasted a lot longer. I’m not saying my sadness is gone, but my “joy” comes from something that is so much more permenant than my temporary situation and if my smile, or kind act can bring someone happiness than, I am will to do that. Even when I feel like I am dying inside. I don’t believe that happiness can be found in a certain situation, you have to create your own happiness. Sometimes certain situations get in the way of that, but I have learned you gotta fake it until you make it. And helping someone else “make it” is where my happiness can be restored, even though my joy never left.
In my leadership program we talk a lot about service and sacrifice and how those are foundations leadership is built on. In my reading following this class this is something I found in one of my books. “Your service could inspire people and your sacrifice could help lighten someone’s load opposed to everyone dealing with their misery alone.” Pg. 74
No man is an island.
How would the government work if we only looked out for our own interest? People already think politicians are self-serving as it is, what if they didn’t even pretend to care for people other than those who could benefit them? The answer is, we would be better off with no government that be in a country led by someone only looking out for themselves.
But then again I am not exactly like everyone else in this world. I thrive off of the energy I receive from others. People (and Jesus of course) are what I live for. It’s why I get out of bed every morning. I love people too much to shoot for my happiness at the expense of others.
Now here comes the Jesus stuff. I realize that it might seem like the only reasoning for any of my thoughts that I have, but the Bible is my philosophy. In John 15:13, Jesus is talking and he states, greater love in none but this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
My purpose in life is love, not happiness. Love is above all things. (scripture can be provided ig you like). This will be discussed further at the end of the blog. I believe that from love, comes happiness at times.
My probable truth was discussed in class as well as the article and it is the closest thing that was stated in the article that I can agree with.
Probable truth- to some degree, helping others is for my own good and happiness.
So does this mean that I believe in transactional happiness? Judging by the way I live, one might say yes, however; I strive to love regardless of what I can get out of the situation. Transactional happiness in discussed in the Bible as well, again, straight for Jesus’ mouth.
Matthew 5:46-If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
I guess the difference is where I plan on receiving my reward. If I am rewarded on this earth for the good that I do on earth, I need not be rewarded in heaven, and scripture points towards a conclusion that I wont. I would much rather be rewarded in heaven than here on this earth where the rewards are temporary. Eternity is forever. Doing what the Lord wants me to do, (serve others) brings me joy in the long term which is much greater than the temporary satisfaction one gets from making a decision to serve themselves.
Now let’s return to purpose. “I want to be happy” is probably the most common answer when people are asked what they aspire to in life. For me, Happiness doesn’t bring meaning. What brings meaning to your life? My purpose and goal in life is much more than just being happy. Once again, this world is temporary. But even so, my goal isn’t to rack up treasures in heaven, at least I don’t want it to be. I want to fall in love with service. I want to be obedient to Christ not so that he will bless me, but because of who He is. He gives me something that is not even comparable to happiness, and that is joy. Joy never leaves.
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